Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. 251-361
Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.
The Condition of a Finite Markov Chain and Perturbation Bounds for the Limiting Probabilities
Carl D. Meyer, Jr.
pp. 273-283
Nonnegative Cholesky Decomposition and Its Application to Association of Random Variables
Allan R. Sampson
pp. 284-291
A Note on the NP-Completeness of Vertex Elimination on Directed Graphs
John R. Gilbert
pp. 292-294
The FKG Inequality and Some Monotonicity Properties of Partial Orders
L. A. Shepp
pp. 295-299
Single Commodity Representation of Multicommodity Networks
Y. Soun and K. Truemper
pp. 348-358
A Graph Theoretical Approach to Handicap Ranking of Tournaments and Paired Comparisons
Kenneth A. Berman
pp. 359-361